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We wish you a happy New Year! May 2025 be a very beautiful, balanced, happy, successful and prosperous year, with lots of love and colour!
We will open again on Monday 6 January 2025. We will process the large number of (requests) by email, in order and priority. We can also be reached by telephone again; however, you may have to wait a little longer than usual. We kindly ask for your understanding and patience.
If there have been any changes in your insurance situation, do not forget to inform us by email, including the policy number of the new insurance. We do not receive these changes automatically.
There will also be a change in the gynaecologist team from January; consult our team page for more information.


To access your treatment cycle, you are able to use the Hope App. We recommend that you have this installed the app on your mobile phone before you have your second consultation (after which you will usually start your actual treatment). Your doctor or nurse will provide you with a QR code with which you can connect to your patient file. In case of treatment of couples, each partner must install the App on their own telephone. You can download the App from the Apple or Google App Store.


We offer cryopreservation of cells with or without ('social freezing') medical indication in our center, i.e. freezing and preserving your unfertilized eggs for the future. Although the best results appear to be achieved up to the age of 35, we evidently always make an individual decision. After a first consultation during which an ultrasound and blood tests are performed, treatment can often be started during each period. You often only need to inject once a day and the process from hormone injections to egg retrieval (usually under sedation) is usually completed within 14 days. Freezing sperm is of course also possible in our center. Feel free to contact us for more information.


Agreements will again be in place for 2025 with the ´Cooperatie VGZ´ health insurance company, as well as the 'DSW Zorgverzekeraar' health insurance company. For questions about your policy, conditions and reimbursements, please contact your health insurance company. They will be able to provide the most current and correct information on your situation.


Please make sure to timely inform us about any changes in your health insurance for 2025.
We do not automatically receive such changes from your new health insurance company.


Costs for medical treatments are in most countries first partially deducted als an 'excess' or 'personal contribution' by your health insurer.
We kindly ask for your understanding that we have no influence on this.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact your health insurance company.


For your information: We usually respond to your requests within 24 hours on workdays. Please check your spam folder regularly, if you did not receive a response to your message after 48 hours.


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The ´deutsche Gewebegesetz´ stipulates that only laboratories with a certification according to §20b AMG are allowed to analyse serological parameters (e.g. hepatitis B, C and HIV) in the context of fertility treatment (incl. IUI) and cryopreservation of cells. The blood samples must be taken within three months prior to the first cell/tissue collection. With favourable results, the results are valid up to a maximum of 24 months, after which a new blood test is necessary (TPGGewV). Unfortunately, results from foreign (i.e. non-German) laboratories are not accepted according to German law, which means that in such cases a new blood test within Germany is required.


Kinderwunschzentrum Heinsberger Höfe GbR
Medizinische Kooperationsgemeinschaft

Drs. Willem-Jan S.S. Cuypers
Drs. Nerissa B.E. Cuypers
Fachärzte für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
Schwerpunkt gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin

Dr. Ralf Böhm

Hochstraße 154
52525 Heinsberg

+49 (0) 2452 99 66 - 900

+49 (0) 2452 99 66 - 910