Welcome to our team
The owner-managed fertility center Heinsberger Höfe Cuypers & Cuypers is the private practice for gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine in the city of Heinsberg. On more than 700 sqm, we offer our patients state-of-the-art consultation and treatment, as well as a first-class, state-of-the-art reproductive medicine laboratory. In our clinic with highly experienced staff and with its own operation theatre, we carry out all modern fertility treatments and techniques.
For our continuous growth and to strengthen our team, we are always looking for motivated and committed employees. Even if there is no specific position available at this point in time, please do not hesitate to send an open application by email or by post.
Kinderwunschzentrum Heinsberger Höfe GbR
Medizinische Kooperationsgemeinschaft
Drs. Willem-Jan S.S. Cuypers
Drs. Nerissa B.E. Cuypers
Fachärzte für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
Schwerpunkt gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin
Dr. Ralf Böhm
Hochstraße 154
52525 Heinsberg
+49 (0) 2452 99 66 - 900
+49 (0) 2452 99 66 - 910